Benchmarking process

You can find some of the scripts used for the benchmarking process inside the benchmarks directory. Inside this directory you will find the files used for benchmarking the single threaded runs of both STRUCTURE and fastStructure, as well as some results. The scripts to draw the speedup plots and the barplots can be found there as well. You will also find relevant documentation, which is reproduced here.

Directory contents:


This is a Zsh script to run STRUCTURE sequentially for 16 jobs, 4 jobs for each value of "K" (from 1 to 4). It does not log the runs, nor the results (everything is written into the same file). It was used with the Unix time program to log the time it took to run.

This is a Zsh script to run fastStructure sequentially for 16 jobs, 4 jobs for each value of "K" (from 1 to 4). It does not log the runs, nor the results (everything is written into the same file). It was used with the Unix time program to log the time it took to run.

This is the python script that was used to create the speedup plots for the generated data.

This is the python script that was used to create the bar plots for the single threaded vs. multi-threaded run times.